
My 2023 Deliberate Intentions

Let me first start by saying there is a distinct difference between goals and intentions. Goals are tangible, finite things you seek to achieve. We set goals to achieve…

Prioritize – Win the Week

I want to talk about prioritizing our goals, tasks, activities, obligations, and our days – to win the week. Let’s face it, it’s difficult at the start of a new…

Small Beginnings

Never let your current situation or your current circumstances limit your vision. …

Quit Something – That Doesn’t Add Value to Your Life

I’m writing to you again from Writers Ville. I’ve spent the past several weeks meeting with medical professionals, business leaders, and business owners in various industry sectors. Part of these…

Here are My Top 7 Lessons Learned in 2020

Here are my top 7 lessons I learned about myself in 2020:1. Time & Change. The two most powerful forces on earth are time and change. At the beginning of…

Standing In The Gap

I want to take a few minutes to just celebrate you. To celebrate all that you’ve accomplished. All that you’ve faced and have overcome. I want to celebrate those small…

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