Blur the Lines

Businessmen deliver key of success book,coffee and glasses on business newspapers.

Let me ask you this serious question; “have you ever been asked to pick a side?” So often friends, family, co-workers, and society ask us to pick a side whether it’s; race, creed, gender, disability, sociological construct, academic background, social class, political party, et cetera. I say, blur the lines.

·         Approach your personal and professional development as an opportunity to go farther and go faster, the perception you have for yourself will begin to align. Your courage, your confidence, and self–perception: when you align yourself with real progress, you will begin to generate momentum by standing on your core values.

·         Lean in on life opportunities and increase your courage to better define who you are and who you want to become.

·         Forge meaningful relationships with people who can provide good constructive feedback, and seek their feedback often.

To become who we were destined to become, we must encourage and empower one another. This can only happen when we empower one another, by identifying each-others distinct gifts, talents, strengths, and skills. Many of us were blessed with two arms and two legs. We cannot do it alone, this approach will eventually lead to failure. It’s vital that we identify each-others individual strengths, then create methods and strategies to leverage these strengths to achieve common goals.

I’m empowered by my childhood and young adult life – as those circumstances taught me how to better communicate to help individuals better understand how we all play a role in the big picture. When I embrace the gift of vision, not fear failure, operate with tenacity, it helps me understand what’s important and who needs me most. This mindset allows me to blur the lines and align to achieve a common mission – for the greater good of humanity.  

Let today be the dawn of a new era where we work together through communication, alignment, and trust. The next time a line is drawn, opposed to conforming and picking a side, leverage the power of the collective gifts, talents, and strengths to achieve a common mission – and create alignment for long term success.


Cecil F.  

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