Cultivate Meaningful Relationships

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To foster new meaningful relationships with others, is hinged on our ability to sustain a healthy relationship with ourselves. During the current global health climate, we’ve been confronted with adversity, causing us to learn more about ourselves, scaling emotional wellness: increasing our patience and compassion for others, embracing courage, standing on our core values by being authentic to who we are, clearly defining our why, and being kind to ourselves. Bestselling author, Daniel Goleman provided an in depth look at scaling emotional wellness in his 1995 book titled; Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ. As we continue to enlarge our personal development, I wanted to take a moment to highlight the key principles to cultivate meaningful relationships and assess existing relationships – understanding that association brings about assimilation.

In your Personal Action Plan for 2020, set the deliberate intent to cultivate meaningful relationships with individuals that are in key positions you aspire to be in. I’ve discovered that high performers and highly successful people are meticulous about who they associate with. They set the intent to forge relationships with success-minded and individuals that are smarter than themselves. When they encounter these individuals, they commit their time, energy, and resources into growing these relationship. Healthy relationships is the fertilizer bed in which your success is planted. High performers and successful people  use this methodology every day to nurture their business and wealth. The primary objective of this strategy is to focus on improving one of your relationships everyday. Personal development is a life time commitment. When this philosophy blooms, it bears much fruit by: developing others to become instructors, teachers, master-teachers, counselors, managers, life coaches or mentors.

The One on One / Personal Scorecard and Personal Action Plan are designed to combine this philosophy and resources that interconnect the above mentioned to help you with your personal and professional development throughout your lifetime. The One on One / Personal Scorecard and Personal Action Plan targets the key areas in your life that allow you to harness a mindset, develop techniques, manage resources, and assess relationships that generate momentum at both the personal and professional levels. On these levels we believe everyone should have the opportunity to fulfill their hopes, dreams, and ideas for a promising future. The way we convey this message to the world is through teaching the principles of planning positive change by establishing successful daily habits.  


Cecil F.

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