My 2023 Deliberate Intentions

Businessman building staircase with wooden blocks to span a gap for partner to walk his fingers across towards promotion and progress.

Let me first start by saying there is a distinct difference between goals and intentions. Goals are tangible, finite things you seek to achieve. We set goals to achieve something that we can see and often measure. It’s typically something you can possess or make happen, and are observable. To me, this is very powerful! Goals are the things we are going to do (e.g. purchase a home, learn how to cook, create, grow, exercise more, further our education, increase our financial literacy to save money or pay off debt, et cetera). I get excited just talking about goals and objectives. It’s the very thing that gets me excited and fired up just talking about it. 

Intentions are the intangibles that you can’t quite grasp or touch. They are typically self-directives. They’re the things in life that allow us to say; “I want to be like this, I want to express this, or I want to live a life like this… Intentions allow us to change our trajectory and express a certain energy toward others. Though, goals are different than intentions, the two align. 
My 2023 Intentions:

1. Be Centered and Focused Despite the Background Noise: I want to express being calmer despite the chaos around me. I will not get caught up in the gossip or political climate. Nor will I allow other people’s false emergencies or fake news emotionally hijack me – allowing the uncertainty of social media to push or pull me through my day. I want to remain centered on my hopes, dreams, and goals that I’ve set for 2023. I want to set the deliberate intention each day to identify who needs me most and what matters most. Each day I will reclaim my life’s agenda by being more centered and focused despite the background noise, regardless of how loud it gets. I will accomplish this by increasing my physical vibrancy, sustaining my joy, and peace, and being more forgiving of others – increasing The Fruits of The Spirit.      

2. Judge Myself and Others Less: I know that I will feel so much better if I don’t judge myself or others harshly and unfairly. Often we get so upset with ourselves and tend to be over-critical of ourselves. This judgment and self-sabotage make us feel terrible. Last year, I set the deliberate intention not to compare myself to other speakers and life coaches on social media. It was extremely rewarding and gratifying! This year, I set the deliberate intention to judge myself and others less. I will accomplish this by raising my level of awareness and consciousness by being present. On my finest days, taking a moment to feel the sense of grace. Understanding that everyone doesn’t need to think the way I think. Allowing others to run their own race and have their own way. Knowing that life is oftentimes our greatest teacher. I feel more at peace just by setting the intention to judge myself and others less. 

3. Celebrate the Win: Earlier in my career, I learned that the greatest adversary of success was our most recent success. Last year, I discovered that I never really sat back and celebrated my victories. I spent more time trying to identify how I could go faster and go farther, in which I failed to take in all that I had done and accomplished. Never truly feeling a sense of satisfaction. Often, we critique ourselves and try to find out what we could have done better, as opposed to celebrating our wins. I will accomplish this by journaling my top three priorities for each day. Identifying “Who needs me most?” Writing down the five (5) tasks that must get done by the end of each day. Allowing my morning routine to be ingrained into the very fabric of who I am and who I am becoming. With this deliberate mindset, even on my worst days, I’ve set the intention and developed daily habits to move things forward in my life – if but only 1 inch. This is a good day. Celebrate the win! 

4.  Bring Encouragement to Others: Being aware of my consciousness and being present in the moment. Being more aware of my energy and the energy that I’m putting out. Being an influential speaker, I’ve had the pleasure of speaking to thousands of women and men just in the last five years. It has been an amazing journey. When you’re around others as often as I have, you’re constantly reminded and aware of your energy. However, in the last year, not so much. Being forced to remain in a smaller group – maybe a few friends and my wife. I became a lot more internal. I know my gift is to serve others. The way I will accomplish this is by being more present. In order to be present, is to be more aware of my energy. I will work diligently on this. 

5. Health & Sleep Equal Priorities to My Life’s Mission: At times it feels like there just isn’t enough time in the day. This year, I’ve set the intention to make health and sleep equal priorities to my life’s mission. In order for me to scale and go to the next level of leadership and servitude, I know that I need to increase productivity. The only way I can achieve this is to become hyper-disciplined. I will accomplish this by expressing morning gratitude, prayer, hydration, meditation, exercise, and diet – the essentials to becoming the best version of myself. 

Your coach,


Creator of The Fielder Enterprises Workbook
CEO, Fielder Enterprises LLC
Life Coach and Influential Speaker

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