Small Beginnings

Never let your current situation or your current circumstances limit your vision.
Life coaching concept - motivation, solution, success key

Today, I’m writing to you from Writers Ville. This is the place where I wrote; Blur the Lines, Standing in the Gap, Cultivate Meaningful Relationships, and The Fielder Enterprises Workbook. This is my dream place to write. I feel extremely blessed to be here.
This time last year, Writers Ville was in the process of being built. I would sit in my car, parked out on the street, every single day, dreaming of being inside these walls – doing my life’s work. If you haven’t already guessed, Writer’s Ville is located inside our home. For more than 20 years, I dreamt of having a home office.
I’d like to share a simple message with you today. Never let your current situation or your current circumstances limit your vision. Don’t let your current conditions stop you from taking action. So many of us have big dreams and goals we wish to accomplish, but because our goals seem impossible or too far away from today, we find ourselves never going after our dreams. Oftentimes, we get stuck responding to other people’s wants and needs, we tend to forget to go after our own hopes, dreams, and ideas.
What I want to share with you is this; no matter where you are in trying to accomplish your dreams, never let your small beginnings make you become small-minded. It’s easy to say to ourselves; “that’s impossible” or “that can never happen for me.” I can’t tell you how many people have told me, “Cecil, you want to write a book? You can’t write, Cecil, you want to be an influential speaker? Who’s going to listen to you? That’s impossible.” I’ve discovered that it’s not that some of those people didn’t love me or believe in me, a lot of what people have said was based on their own fears and their limiting beliefs. I want to encourage you that no matter where you are, no matter what you’re going through, believe in yourself. Is it going to be easy? ”  “No” “Is it going to be challenging? ”  Yes!” I get it, who would have thought that I’d be inside my home office writing to you today? What an absolute blessing to have a place to sit and generate creative content. It’s an unbelievable blessing yet, it’s possible.

Though it took approximately 5 months for them to build our home, the journey of buying my wife a home took nearly three years. Of course, there is the sensationalism of buying a home, but for me, the real joy is the journey. The planning. The goals we set. The daily habits we had to develop to get into this place. For me, it is the discipline, the decisions, and the sacrifices that we had to develop to get here. However, it’s possible!
I know you have big dreams. Maybe it’s furthering your education or writing that book you’ve been putting off for the past few years; maybe it’s joining a new social circle or beginning that sowing class. Whatever it is, embrace those opportunities of small beginnings and just decide. 

Your coach, 

Creator of The Fielder Enterprises Workbook
CEO, Fielder Enterprises LLC
Life Coach and Influential Speaker

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